About Autosa 

Unleashing the power of AI to supercharge your business growth with our customized solutions and enhanced automation.

About Us


Our mission is to unlock the potential of AI to revolutionize the way businesses operate, simplifying tasks, reducing errors, and driving greater efficiency. By providing cutting-edge solutions to both B2B and B2C clients, Autosa is leading the way in creating a smarter, more connected world.

Autosa qmaster

Autosa QMaster

QMaster - a tailor-made AI system that empowers you to engage and extract valuable insights from your data effortlessly. With just one click, unlock valuable insights and get all you need.

About Us

Autosa Founder


Osama Alaa Mohammed

Experienced data scientist with a wide knowledge of AI, machine learning, and NLP. Graduate from the faculty of computer science at Cairo University.

About Us


Automate Your Way to Success

Got an idea or just curious about AI? At Autosa, we're here to listen, lend guidance, and join in your enthusiasm. Let's work together to create something extraordinary in the exciting world of AI!

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